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The Western 1-Kote System is typically installed in a single coating application at 3/8"thickness. This stucco system typically contains foam board insulation, although this is optional, it is recommended as part of an efficient stucco system.
Western 1-Kote products may be used in both One-Coat & Conventional stucco applications.
What we show on the left are the typical, most common components of the stucco system. There are many other components such as weeps, casings, flashings, and others which are not calculated in order to keep these calculations simple. Please contact your licensed contractor or nearest dealer for more accurate information regarding full stucco system component information. For more information about our Western 1-Kote products & systems, check out the links below:
It's all about Finishes, Colors & Textures at this point. Western Blended Products offers a wide variety of stucco and acrylic exterior finishes to choose from and with our color matching services, the options are limitless. Choose from standard colors from our Classic Color Collection or contact us for custom color matching services. For additional information, please explore our Colors & Textures page, as well as the Product Categories.
Add an additional layer of cracking protection to your stucco system by adding a CRS System. Whether you're constructing a 1-Kote or a WBP Conventional System, the CRS System add-on will reduce surface cracking and will contribute towards the length of a full system warranty if combined with a WBP or Single Source option. Click below for more info:
The Western Blended Conventional System is a traditional stucco system which is installed in a scratch & brown coating application at 3/8"thickness each.
What we show on the left are the typical, most common components of the stucco system. There are many other components such as weeps, casings, flashings, and others which are not calculated in order to keep these calculations simple. Please contact your licensed contractor or nearest dealer for more accurate information regarding full stucco system component information. For more information about our products & systems, check out the links below:

We'll keep it


This is our product calculator. We've calculated our main basecoat, skim coat & finish products along with additional main components within a stucco assembly, based on a simple square footage number. Keep in mind that these calculations are approximate and you should always seek advice from a licensed contractor when planning a project. These numbers, however, will give you a pretty good idea of the estimated products and components needed for your project.
Multiply by 9 if yards.
Basecoat Option # 1
Basecoat Option # 2
Basecoat Option # 1
Basecoat Option # 2
Basecoat Option # 3
Exterior Stucco Options
Acrylic Finish Options
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